- 비동기실행 테스트는 윈폼이나 콘솔에서만 실행가능하다.

- 동기식(Synchronous) : 하나만 처리

- 비동기식(Asynchronous) : 다중 처리(멀티스레드), AJAX

- 비동기식(Begin ~ End문이 들어가 있음.)


- 콘솔 응용 프로그램 [프로젝트]에서 실행

 ==> [Program.cs]

using System.Data.SqlClient;

using System;


class Class1


    static void Main()


        // This is a simple example that demonstrates the usage of the

        // BeginExecuteNonQuery functionality.

        // The WAITFOR statement simply adds enough time to prove the

        // asynchronous nature of the command.


        string commandText =

            "UPDATE Products SET ProductCount = ProductCount + 1 " +

            "WAITFOR DELAY '0:0:5';" +

            "UPDATE Products SET ProductCount = ProductCount - 1 ";


        RunCommandAsynchronously(commandText, GetConnectionString());


        Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to continue.");




    private static void RunCommandAsynchronously(

        string commandText, string connectionString)


        // Given command text and connection string, asynchronously execute

        // the specified command against the connection. For this example,

        // the code displays an indicator as it is working, verifying the

        // asynchronous behavior.

        using (SqlConnection connection =

                   new SqlConnection(connectionString))




                int count = 0;

                SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(commandText, connection);



                IAsyncResult result = command.BeginExecuteNonQuery();

                while (!result.IsCompleted) // 요청이 끝나기 전까지 무엇인가를 처리?


                    Console.WriteLine("Waiting ({0})", count++);

                    // Wait for 1/10 second, so the counter

                    // does not consume all available resources

                    // on the main thread.



                Console.WriteLine("Command complete. Affected {0} rows.",



            catch (SqlException ex)


                Console.WriteLine("Error ({0}): {1}", ex.Number, ex.Message);


            catch (InvalidOperationException ex)


                Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", ex.Message);


            catch (Exception ex)


                // You might want to pass these errors

                // back out to the caller.

                Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", ex.Message);





    private static string GetConnectionString()


        // To avoid storing the connection string in your code,           

        // you can retrieve it from a configuration file.


        // If you have not included "Asynchronous Processing=true" in the

        // connection string, the command is not able

        // to execute asynchronously.

        return "server=.;database=Market;uid=Market;pwd=6750440;asynchronous Processing=true;";





Posted by holland14